Indian Independence Day Killerstration

For the Indian Independence Day, 15th of August 2020, we got together and had a quick jam session on what India 2020 means to us. Here are the thoughts behind each of the panels in this Killerstration.

The Killerstration consists of 6 panels. One each by the core team members. Left to Right - Arun Kishor, Juhie Gupta, Prateek Sethi, Rituparna Sarkar, Snigdha Rao and Mickey Bardava

Arun Kishor: As we all currently continue this journey uphill, we are only left with ourselves & our masks to keep peace with the cyclones in our head. Whatever tools we have, we will use them to reach the other end.

Juhie Gupta: India loading.
2020 has been a year of change. A harbinger of the good, the bad, the ugly, and the surreal. It has breathed new life and new meaning into an old world. It is time to embrace the new normal and look forward to the emergence of a new (and hopefully better) India.
2020 has been a year of change. A harbinger of the good, the bad, the ugly, and the surreal. It has breathed new life and new meaning into an old world. It is time to embrace the new normal and look forward to the emergence of a new (and hopefully better) India.

Prateek Sethi: What a glorious mess. The collage is a topical extension of the stickers on my laptop. A look at how our lives have been fringing on madness this year with a glimmer of hope and undying positivity in our thoughts, actions and plans for the future.

Rituparna Sarkar: 2020 Socks!

Snigdha Rao: As our country steps into the new decade amidst internal socio-economic chaos and political tyranny, eclipsed further by the onslaught of Corona, let us, the citizens, work towards repairing the very tenets of our Democracy and restoring the broken balance.

Mickey Bardava: Tricolour Skies. As we head into a new era with new horizons, it becomes imperative for us to learn from our past while be steadfast in our resolve to build a better future.
We wish all our fellow guild members, readers, subscribers, patrons, well wishers and critics, a blessed and thoughtfully happy Independence Day 2020. ⭐️??⭐️