GUILD SPEAK Where the collective minds of our fraternity put their thoughts as snippets of information, stories and anecdotes. Curated pieces about diverse topics related to animation. 5th November 2020 GUILD SPEAK Whose design is it anyway? – Pastiche and Parody 5th October 2020 GUILD SPEAK Isabel’s India Affair 15th August 2020 GUILD SPEAK Indian Independence Day Killerstration 20th June 2020 GUILD SPEAK Whose design is it anyway? 24th May 2020 GUILD SPEAK C for Content Customisation 15th April 2020 GUILD SPEAK Time and Again – Sand Animation 15th February 2020 GUILD SPEAK The Art of the Festival Promo 15th February 2020 GUILD SPEAK Animator’s Guilt 8th January 2020 GUILD SPEAK Academia Nuts About Animation 123 All items displayed.